Savvy Matters: Expertise through Experience

With 110 years of experience designing, manufacturing, and installing helical anchors and piles, we've learned a few things.

Savvy is practical knowledge gained by actually doing or living through something. The performance capabilities of dozens of products; the experience of millions of helical pile installations in conditions from Georgia’s brackish coastal swamp to the rock-hard caliche of the Atacama Desert.

In 110 years, we’ve learned a lot. Here are 3 ways that “Savvy Matters” to us and our customers:

  1. Installation Experience

    Use of screw pile foundations were invented by engineer Alexander Mitchell in 1833 and were brought back to popular usage by Albert Bishop Chance, founder of the A.B. Chance company in the early 20th Since then the A.B. Chance company, acquired by Hubbell Power Systems in 1994, has been the industry leader for helical piles and anchors, developing products, tooling, and applications for the technology.

    CHANCE Foundation Solutions has distributors all over the United Axiatech 2States and Canada, and Certified Installers all over the world – from Sri Lanka to London, from New Zealand to New Jersey. With loads as lightweight as a streetlight or as heavy as a 32-story apartment complex, CHANCE Certified Installers have done it all. As a result, there are more CHANCE helical piles and anchors installed in the ground than any other foundation brand. See what’s possible and what problems our engineers and contractors have solved by checking out our case study library: 

  1. Product Testing

    All of our helical pile and anchor products are made from prime, mill-direct steel, but that doesn’t stop us from meticulous quality control and product testing of the material and manufacturing processes. Structural welds follow the standards of the American Welding Society’s structural welding code and undergo thorough inspection. Right down the street from our manufacturing facility is Hubbell Laboratories, which allows our team to perform mechanical and environmental testing on our products and closely monitor results. Our engineers can witness testing, analyze the data, and make sure only the best products make it into the field.

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  2. Installer Field Training

    Online and classroom training is valuable, no doubt about it. Every CHANCE Certified Installer is fully trained in deep foundation installation methods through online. But a valuable, and required, part of the Certified Installer training is Field Training. During field training installers are instructed on how to properly assemble the tooling and install the foundation systems. Field training is conducted by experts who have installed our foundation solutions and have wisdom that they share with new installers. We want to convey valuable lessons learned in the field so that with each class of CHANCE Certified Installers, we get better and improve our techniques.


Put our team’s savvy to work for you. Contact your local distributor.

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