What Training Do Linemen Need Today and Considerations For Your Line Crew

We are committed to safety, both in the design of tools and equipment and in the training given to linemen so they understand how to use them properly. Learn more about our live line training opportunities.

Live Line Training BlogThere are few jobs that are more dangerous than that of a utility lineworker. A commitment to safety is of utmost importance, both in the design of tools and equipment and in the training given to understand how to use them properly.

Behind each product we develop at Hubbell Utility Solutions, there is considerable research and testing to ensure both safety and performance. However, it is vital that lineworkers receive regular, professional training to ensure each product is used correctly and that the best tools are selected for each job. That’s why, since the 1930s, the CHANCE® tool demonstrators, former journeyman linemen who average 30 years of live line experience, have been dedicated to training lineworkers. Each of them personally knows the dangers that are posed from live line work and they are committed to each student going home safely after the job is done.

Training opportunities include, but are not limited to,

  • Live Line Barehand
  • Hotsticking (All Voltages)
  • Consulting service on Energized Work Practices
  • Hot Stick Maintenance
  • Equipotential Temporary Protective Grounding
  • Insulate and Isolate (Cover-Up)
  • Rubber Gloving
  • Fall Protection

Courses can be customized to suit the client’s needs. The CHANCE demonstrators will work with you to create a training that covers topics most crucial for your team. Don’t wait for an accident to occur – Be proactive and get your team trained today for a safer tomorrow!

Click here to request more information about Live Line Training.

Fill out the form on page 4 of the brochure to start planning your customized training.

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