Getting Started with Surge Arrester Specifications

Surge arrester specifications can be written for dedicated applications or for general purposes to ensure only high quality and proven products. Follow these tips to get started on writing technical specifications.

Surge Arrester SpecificationsWith the recent and upcoming revisions of IEEE C62.11 and IEC 60099-4 surge arrester standards, writing a technical specification for arresters can be challenging for both new and experienced engineers. Most arrester manufacturers have a dedicated team of engineers who are familiar with the evolving standards and can support the revision and/or creation of arrester specifications.

Surge arrester specifications can be written for dedicated applications or for general purposes to ensure only high quality and proven products are considered. As a best practice Hubbell Power Systems, Inc. recommends considering input from several manufactures which will allow all bidders to offer their best available products.

Consider the following points to get started:

  • Define the application such as distribution, station or transmission
  • Set general requirements such as minimum experience for manufacturers, and qualifying information that should be supplied with each bid
  • Define the arrester standard being used. IEEE and IEC requirements should not be combined
  • Outline product characteristics and requirements for critical arrester features and components
  • Set expectations for submitting routine and quality assurance testing information
  • Request a Type Test Report from arrester manufacturers

For more information, review the sample arrester specifications listed below found on our website, or contact your HPS Representative.

Links to Sample Specifications





Normal Duty

Heavy Duty

Distribution Medium

Distribution High


Solid Core

Hollow Core

Solid Core

Hollow Core


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