3 Benefits to Test Terminals

Test Terminals provide a reliable cost effective solution to keep energy providers' equipment running while also being able to extend their useful life.

With energy demand continuously increasing, adding further stress and wear on already aging power generation assets, energy providers are faced with finding reliable cost effective solutions to keep their equipment running while also being able to extend their useful life. Here are 3 Benefits to Test Terminals.

  1. Faster
    • No need to physically remove the power bus during testing
    • Simply loosen a total of 8 bolts on the terminal and the equipment is ready to test
  2. Safer
    • Improves worker safety by reducing boom & bucket truck time by up to 60% for the typicaly maintenance interval
    • Eliminates the risk of equipment damage associated with non-test terminal testing procedures
  3. Cost Effective
    1. Regular testing allows you to extend the service life of your equipment while lessening the risk of equipment failure, lost revenue and costly repair & replacement
    2. Testing can often by accomplished without the expense of a boom or bucket truck or extra personnel
    3. Reduces equipment down-time assocated with testing



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