Line Performance Improvement

Improving the reliability and performance of a distribution or transmission line can be achieved using line arresters.


Consumer demands for reliable electric power have continued to increase over the years with technological advances. The prevalence of high tech devices has required utilities to provide near uninterrupted service. 

One of the challenges utilities face are momentary interruptions caused by lightning induced insulator flashovers. These interruptions can cause security and safety risks for government facilities and hospitals, as well as lost revenue for manufacturing facilities. 

Improving the reliability and performance of a distribution or transmission line can be achieved using line surge arresters. Polymer housed line surge arresters (LSA) were first introduced in 1988 under the Protecta*Lite® Systems trade name.

Protecta*Lite is a custom designed line surge arrester solution that _DSC8480.jpgcan eliminate momentary interruptions caused by lightning. Additional benefits of using line arresters include extending the life expectancy of utility assets, reducing maintenance costs and reducing the likelihood of a breakdown in insulator string integrity.

Join our upcoming webinar to learn more about line performance improvements options, including Protecta*Lite® Systems line surge arresters. 


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