8 Tips for Bolted Connectors

All bolted deadends are rated 40% of the conductor RBS. Bolted deadends can be used in slack span applications where line tension is less than 5% of RBS.


All bolted deadends are rated 40% of the conductor RBS. Bolted deadends can be used in slack span applications where line tension is less than 5% of RBS. 

There are a few points linemen need to keep in mind for installing bolted connectorsHPS_ID_ADEZ116C_PRODIMAGE_300

  1. Ensure the conductor is properly seated before tightening bolts.
  2. Make sure to apply proper torque. Pay special attention to deadends with 3/8” size hardware. They are more prone to stripping of the ubolts.
  3. Do not exceed the recommended torque value to avoid stripping hardware.
  4. Make sure the conductor sits on the clamp groove before torque is applied.
  5. Ensure that the proper tension is applied (40% RBS).
  6. Can be used in slack span (where line tension is 5% RBS or less) with the exceptions of wedge-style dead ends.
  7. Conductor info and range and printed onto the deadend clamp.
  8. Do not reuse hardware.


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