Time Matters: Maximum Efficiency with Helical Piles

Once it’s gone, it’s gone. We can’t buy more time, but we can buy products that save time. Don’t spend your time waiting for concrete to cure or for product to show up on the jobsite.


CHANCE® helical piles are distributed directly to a contractor’s jobsite by the largest helical pile network in North America with local inventory ready to ship, right now.

Saving time with helical piles: A case study

CHANCE Helical Pulldown® Micropiles were selected as the foundation solution for a two-story, 4,000 square foot addition on the campus of Florida A&M University. The foundations were initially designed on Auger Cast Pilings, due to a layer of highly plastic clay, and the presence of a construction debris pit within the addition footprint.

Utility lines, which included fiber optics, steam lines, and natural gas, crisscrossed the work area. The deep foundations would need to be installed within six inches of some of these lines, and within three inches of the existing foundation. CHANCE Helical Pulldown Micropiles (HPM) were selected to replace the Auger Cast Pilings because the HPM prevented the need for shoring of the existing foundation, and the need for re-locating the existing utilities. This saved the University an estimated $200,000.00, and cut approximately six weeks off the project schedule. The pile installation was completed in 4 days!


Deadline Driven

Our distribution network goes to great lengths to stock the products needed and make sure they are at the jobsite when our customers are counting on them. We work with contractors, engineers, and owners to ensure their deadlines are met without compromising quality or capacity. Read about the addition of a mezzanine on a huge Amazon warehouse project that threatened to delay the completion date for the project. CHANCE distributor EBS Geostructural answered with a plan, product, and ultimately put the contractor two weeks ahead of schedule!

Concrete Cancelled

CHANCE helical piles can be immediately loaded, no waiting for concrete to cure. This provides time savings that cannot be addressed by competing technologies. And we all know—time is money! CHANCE wired foundations allow streetlights, area lights, signage, EV charging stations and more to have a stable base which can be loaded and wired immediately. Watch this video to see how quickly an installation in this type of application can take place. Compare that to the alternative of excavating, forming, pouring concrete, waiting for it to cure, and returning to the jobsite to set the standard and wire it.



What matters to us and our distributors is that our customers and contractors have solutions that empower them to get the job done in the timeframe that they need it.

What are you waiting for? Contact your local distributor today.

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