How to prevent copper wire theft from light poles

Prevent copper wire theft from light poles with the Chance® Anti-Theft Lighting Foundation, reducing repair costs and enhancing public safety. Learn more about this innovative solution.


From New York to Los Angeles, Edmonton to Denver, copper wire theft is an all-too-common problem costing municipalities millions of dollars each year. TELUS, an internet, phone, and television company in Alberta, Canada said that in 2024, there was a 58% increase of copper wire theft over the previous year, and the problem is worse elsewhere.1

The Cost of Copper Wire Theft

Stolen wire can be sold to scrap metal dealers for historically as much as $4 per pound. However, the money received for the stolen commodity fails to compare with the labor and material cost of replacement. Each of us, as taxpayers, bears the financial burden.

The real cost of wire theft comes at the expense of public safety due to dysfunctional roadway and public lighting. For example, in December 2023 a St. Paul man was struck by a car while walking his dog near his home. Stolen wire meant that the streetlights were not functioning. St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter said, “This tragedy is a stark reminder that copper theft dangerously darkens streets and puts us all at risk.”2

Solutions for Copper Wire Theft

Security cameras, hand hole covers, and locks can be used to try to prevent copper wire theft. Another crucial tool can be found in the Chance® Anti-Theft Lighting Foundation.

This device, which can be installed as part of the original foundation or retrofitted for existing concrete or steel lighting foundations, is designed to stop the theft of copper wire, protecting both the public and private sectors from the high cost and intrinsic dangers of wire theft.

The concept is simple: Copper wires run through a clamping mechanism which prevents the wire from being pulled out of the ground through the baseplate.

Watch the video to see how it works!


A major advantage of the device for lighting contractors, is that, when installing it as part of a new foundation, there's one less piece of hardware to order and one less piece to deal with logistically - the device is built right into the steel foundation. There are no separate parts to align when setting the pole and aligning the anchor bolts.

If a thief breaks into a hand hole cover and attempts to pull the wire, the clamp will allow the wire to be pulled from the pole itself, but abruptly snap off at the foundation clamp, protecting the conduit that is running through the ground. This allows a municipality to make repairs much more efficiently and economically than a theft not protected by the clamp.

Additionally, thieves are deterred by the paltry amount of wire that can be stolen from a protected pole, thereby protecting nearby infrastructure from even an attempted theft.

Catalog numbers and sizes:

Catalog No.

Bolt Pattern

Assembly Type


9” - 14”

Retrofit - One-Piece with tamper-proof cover


11” - 17”

Retrofit - One-piece with tamper-proof cover


8" - 14"

Retrofit - Two-Piece


9” - 14”

Full foundation with tamper-proof cover


11” - 17”

Full foundation with tamper-proof cover

Get the flyer for catalog numbers and dimensions.

Email our sales team at for availability and pricing.



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