Gray Matters: 110 Years of Wisdom Gained

Knowledge - one of those few things that cannot be taken away once acquired. It is also something that is enhanced through hands-on experience. The gray matter developed over 110 years in the helical pier business – we’ve learned a lot!

As an industry leader, it’s important to us to share the lessons we’ve learned through research, testing, and field experience – our gray matter.


Our engineering team is active in the deep foundation industry, providing research, training, white papers, and more. Stay tuned to hear more specifics about that next month!


Over the years, we’ve been called in to fix issues that were caused by “less than CHANCE” materials and standards. Experience in the field and in our test lab has given us a great deal of knowledge about proper materials and manufacturing processes, which is one reason we insist on traceable, prime mill-direct steel in all of our helical pile products. Hubbell operates two engineering test laboratories, providing testing services in support of internal engineering research and product development, with 26,000 sq-ft of laboratory space under roof surrounded by acres of green field space used for various outdoor testing. It is not uncommon to see our engineers outside installing piles into the ground, taking copious notes as they go!


Field Experience

We’ve had amazing opportunities to develop relationships with incredible contractors and installers. The appropriate contractor is critical to success. Our Certified Installers are the interface between the product and the application. Sometimes their embedded value can be overlooked and a “less expensive” path be chosen. Not only can they head off many problems before they manifest, but IF a problem does occur, any initial cost savings are completely lost. (If you need help finding a CHANCE Certified Installer, contact your local distributor).

We’ve seen what happens when the wrong solution tries to get pushed into the wrong application.  Being one of the trailblazers in developing solutions for commercial applications, we’ve been at the forefront the helical pier industry. This experience has guided us over the years and built our repository of knowledge. This hard-earned experience is collected in our products, our relationships and our people.


If you would like to tap into the gray matter of our engineering team, we’d love to hear from you. Email us your questions.

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