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Data analytics

Can Smart Grid Sensors Solve Today’s Distribution Grid Monitoring Challenges?

Can Smart Grid Sensors Solve Today’s Distribution Grid Monitoring Challenges?

Have you ever gotten stuck in traffic? You know there’s a problem, but you can’t see far enough...

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How Much Can Leak Detection Reduce Non-Revenue Water Losses?

How Much Can Leak Detection Reduce Non-Revenue Water Losses?

Utilities that choose not to install proactive leak detection know exactly how much they are...

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Smart Infrastructure Solutions: The Antidote to AMI Tunnel Vision

Smart Infrastructure Solutions: The Antidote to AMI Tunnel Vision

For 20 years, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) has been viewed primarily as a cost-efficient...

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Leveraging AMI Systems for Analytics and Customer Engagement

Leveraging AMI Systems for Analytics and Customer Engagement

Acceptance tends to come in waves for any automated technology that replaces manual labor. In water...

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How to Locate EVs in Your Distribution Networks

How to Locate EVs in Your Distribution Networks

Many electric utilities, experiencing stagnant usage and revenue, are looking to increase...

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Stop 3 Water Loss Thieves Cold with Analytics

Stop 3 Water Loss Thieves Cold with Analytics

It’s difficult to accurately assess how much of the water that is pumped into a utility’s...

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AMI Data = Insights for Water Utilities

AMI Data = Insights for Water Utilities

More than ever, water utilities are investing in advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) as they...

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How Utilities Can Leverage Data Analytics in a Pandemic World

How Utilities Can Leverage Data Analytics in a Pandemic World

The global COVID-19 pandemic is changing how we live and work in ways that are not yet well...

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Optimized Operations: It’s Easier with Analytics

Optimized Operations: It’s Easier with Analytics

Utilities are on board with the benefits analytics can bring. According to a 2018 BRIDGE Index...

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Ready to Leverage the Potential of Data Analytics?

Ready to Leverage the Potential of Data Analytics?

Analytics aren’t new to utilities, but the wealth of data now available from advanced metering...

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How Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing Utility Operations

How Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing Utility Operations

At one point during the recent DistribuTECH 2020 conference, as I was attending talk after talk...

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Frost & Sullivan Award Identifies How the AclaraONE Platform Excels

Frost & Sullivan Award Identifies How the AclaraONE Platform Excels

Distribution utilities can utilize a wide range of software products to help them use data to...

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Artificial intelligence Part 3: Real Grid-Operations Benefits

Artificial intelligence Part 3: Real Grid-Operations Benefits

In Part 3 of our series on how utilities are using artificial intelligence, we look at how AI...

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Artificial Intelligence Part 2: Time to Get Smart with Customer Service

Artificial Intelligence Part 2: Time to Get Smart with Customer Service

In Part 2 of our series on how utilities are using artificial intelligence, we look at how AI helps...

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Artificial Intelligence Part 1: The Basics for Utilities

Artificial Intelligence Part 1: The Basics for Utilities

In Part 1 of our series on how utilities are using artificial intelligence, we look at the basics —...

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6 AMI Benefits Beyond Billing for Gas Utilities

6 AMI Benefits Beyond Billing for Gas Utilities

Now what? In the past, you had one data point each month from your manual or drive-by reads. Now...

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