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Grid monitoring

Remote Resilience: Rapid Fault Detection and Localization with Power Line Communication

Remote Resilience: Rapid Fault Detection and Localization with Power Line Communication

Accurate and reliable fault detection is a must-have for utilities when responding to power outages...

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The secret to effective grid modernization: strategic partnership

The secret to effective grid modernization: strategic partnership

Grids featuring large power plants have provided reliable electricity to homes and businesses for...

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Utilities will need 3 keys to unlock systems of the future

Utilities will need 3 keys to unlock systems of the future

Utilities agree that system modernization is a key part of building a smarter, more efficient...

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Can Smart Grid Sensors Solve Today’s Distribution Grid Monitoring Challenges?

Can Smart Grid Sensors Solve Today’s Distribution Grid Monitoring Challenges?

Have you ever gotten stuck in traffic? You know there’s a problem, but you can’t see far enough...

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Why Utilities Need Smart Grid Sensors Today

Why Utilities Need Smart Grid Sensors Today

Life on earth is changing rapidly and these changes are exacerbated by the current pandemic. Our...

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Why Smart Grid Sensors Are A Better Investment Than FCIs: Part 4

Why Smart Grid Sensors Are A Better Investment Than FCIs: Part 4

This blog is the final installment in our 4-part series on why smart grid sensors are a better...

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Why Sensors Are A Better Investment Than FCI’s: Part 3

Why Sensors Are A Better Investment Than FCI’s: Part 3

This is Part 3 in our 4-part series on why sensors are a better investment than fault current...

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Why Utilities Should Invest in Smart Grid Sensors: Part 2

Why Utilities Should Invest in Smart Grid Sensors: Part 2

This blog is the second installment in our 4-part series on why the Aclara Grid Monitoring Platform...

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Why Utilities Should Invest in Smart Grid Sensors: Part 1

Why Utilities Should Invest in Smart Grid Sensors: Part 1

The push to modernize the aging distribution grids and the need to bring low-carbon renewable...

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3 Ways Utilities Use Truck Rolls to Gain Situational Awareness – and 1 Solution to Eliminate Them

3 Ways Utilities Use Truck Rolls to Gain Situational Awareness – and 1 Solution to Eliminate Them

Historically, electric utilities send linemen to the field to gain situational awareness by visibly...

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Stop Wildfires Before They Start – For Less Than $10K

Stop Wildfires Before They Start – For Less Than $10K

Every fire season brings new horrors and hardships for people living in dry or drought-prone areas....

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7 No-Fail Tips to Optimize the Grid

7 No-Fail Tips to Optimize the Grid

If you looked up the word “optimization” in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, you’d find a...

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4 Benefits of Remotely Monitoring Substations with Smart Grid Sensors

4 Benefits of Remotely Monitoring Substations with Smart Grid Sensors

Many cooperative and public power utilities have limited budgets and limited staff to manage their...

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Auto-Phase Identification Keeps Out-of-Phase Lines in Line

Auto-Phase Identification Keeps Out-of-Phase Lines in Line

During new construction, storm restoration or removals of aging equipment, maintaining accurate...

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3 Ways Smart Grid Sensors Mitigate Wildfire Risks

3 Ways Smart Grid Sensors Mitigate Wildfire Risks

In the last few years, devastating wildfires have ripped through many areas of the U.S. and globe....

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Grid Monitoring Platform Identifies Faults in Record Time and Reduces Carbon Footprint in the UK

Grid Monitoring Platform Identifies Faults in Record Time and Reduces Carbon Footprint in the UK

Two innovation programs funded by the UK’s Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) — the...

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