The secret to effective grid modernization: strategic partnership

Utility leaders reported that grid monitoring and advanced metering are critical to their strategies, yet data reveals that many solutions fall short of meeting actual energy demands. Join us as we delve into the vital reasons why the energy transition requires enhanced grid monitoring.

Why the Energy Transition Demands Improved Grid Monitoring

Grids featuring large power plants have provided reliable electricity to homes and businesses for over a century. While the grid has experienced remarkable success, it is undergoing a dramatic transformation. The emerging grid is far more decentralized and decarbonated than ever before, opening the door for an influx of power quality and grid reliability complications that could prevent utilities from realizing the full potential of the new grid. 

The survey, Why the Energy Transition Demands Improved Grid Monitoring, gathered responses from 160 industry executives on the efficacy of current grid monitoring technology. The results revealed three key tactics necessary for effective grid monitoring: improving grid visibility, controlling the grid through automation, and predicting and preventing outages with grid analytics. 

Improve grid visibility with communication networks.

The survey highlighted a disparity between executives’ reliance on grid monitoring and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and confidence in their current grid monitoring solutions.

Utility executives expressed a lack of confidence in their grid visibility, highlighted by the following statistics:

  • Just 55% of executives are fully confident they understand what is happening on their distribution grid.
  • Only 51% of utility executives believe their existing grid monitoring solutions are highly effective.

Use automation and sensors to control what is happening on the grid.

Devices capable of collecting and communicating valuable data are essential to effectively controlling distribution grids. Although executives’ confidence in their own grid monitoring strategies is rising, most have still not capitalized on the full potential of comprehensive grid monitoring.

Here are a few key insights from utility executives on the effectiveness of current grid automation and censoring solutions:

  • 44% of executives say their grid monitoring solution is only somewhat effective at controlling the grid.
  • 49% of executives believe substation meters fail to provide adequate distribution grid visibility.

Predict and prevent outages through advanced grid analytics.

While some utilities may be able to deploy AMI and sensors, they often lack the analytical capacities to put their data to use. Executives emphasized the need for further investment in grid analytics and networks to adequately predict and prevent outages.

  • 61% of executives believe additional investment in AMI would improve their confidence in their grid.
  • 53% of executives believe there is a need for increased investment in a stronger grid network.

Want to see the full survey results?

Click here to read the report in its entirety and discover more insights from utility executives on the current state of grid monitoring.DOWNLOAD UTILITY DIVE REPPORT

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