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Ami deployments

Preventing Non-Revenue Water Loss: How AMI and Leak Detection Can Help

Preventing Non-Revenue Water Loss: How AMI and Leak Detection Can Help

Leaks on water mains, service connections, and storage tanks contribute to significant non-revenue...

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4 Key Factors to a Successful AMI Project Rollout

4 Key Factors to a Successful AMI Project Rollout

Sometimes, the key to the success of an advanced metering infrastructure project is not the...

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3 Reasons Point-to-Multipoint RF Networks Work for Utilities

3 Reasons Point-to-Multipoint RF Networks Work for Utilities

Our century-old distribution system has aged remarkably well, but the centralized, top-down power...

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Hurricane Havoc: How Resilient AMI Systems Help Water Utilities Beat It

Hurricane Havoc: How Resilient AMI Systems Help Water Utilities Beat It

Hurricane season rolls around each year, and headlines shout the number of people without power....

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5 Reasons RF Communications Networks Help Rural Electric Co-ops

5 Reasons RF Communications Networks Help Rural Electric Co-ops

Implementing advanced metering infrastructure using wireless RF-based networks poses special...

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How Do Combo Utilities Gain Value from AMI? Ask Dothan Utilities

How Do Combo Utilities Gain Value from AMI? Ask Dothan Utilities

Multi-service utilities – those that sell power, water, gas, or any combination of the three – have...

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How AMI Fits into the Fight Against Climate Change

How AMI Fits into the Fight Against Climate Change

In a survey taken this past Earth Day, Researchers at the Pew Research Center found that a majority...

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Hidden Leaks? DC Water Helps Customers Find Them

Hidden Leaks? DC Water Helps Customers Find Them

People move into older homes because of their beauty and character, but they also expect to find...

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What You Need to Know about Smart Meters in the U.K

What You Need to Know about Smart Meters in the U.K

If you can say one thing about the United Kingdom’s smart metering program, it’s this: There’s no...

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Have AMI? You’re Halfway to a Business Case for Smart Infrastructure and IoT

Have AMI? You’re Halfway to a Business Case for Smart Infrastructure and IoT

We didn’t transition away from film-based photography because we ran out of film, says author Tony...

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4 Trends in Utility Field Area Networks You Need to Know

4 Trends in Utility Field Area Networks You Need to Know

The World Economic Forum (WEF), believes we are experiencing a fourth industrial revolution,...

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Why the Future of Distribution Automation Depends on AMI

Why the Future of Distribution Automation Depends on AMI

Distribution automation (DA) us crucial to grid modernization, according to some 90% of utility...

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How C&I Customers of Gas Utilities Benefit from AMI

How C&I Customers of Gas Utilities Benefit from AMI

Most gas meters are residential, but gas utilities will attest to the fact that commercial...

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In Their Own Words: Why Utilities Chose – And Continue To Choose – TWACS

In Their Own Words: Why Utilities Chose – And Continue To Choose – TWACS

As an engineer, I look at all the details when deciding on a major purchase – a new vehicle, new...

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How Real-Time Data Drives Smart Meter Deployments

How Real-Time Data Drives Smart Meter Deployments

Utilities that embark on long-term projects such as deploying meters often face resource...

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How To Select the Right Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Technology

How To Select the Right Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Technology

Rural electric cooperatives provide power for one in every eight Americans and provide power to...

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