For sensitive equipment, install isolated ground receptacles with EdgeConnect technology

EdgeConnectTM technology improves installation time by 80%, making it the fastest termination on the market. There is now an EdgeConnect receptacle for use with sensitive electronic equipment. Twist-LockTM isolated ground receptacles with patented EdgeConnect screwless technology are now available from Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems.

EdgeConnectTM technology improves installation time by 80%, making it the fastest termination on the market. There is now an EdgeConnect receptacle for use with sensitive electronic equipment. Twist-LockTM isolated ground receptacles with patented EdgeConnect screwless technology are now available from Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems.

Isolated ground receptacles are typically used with sensitive electronic equipment such as point-of-sale devices or in clinical settings. Grounding is isolated so any residual outside interference that can affect equipment performance is eliminated.

Sensitive electronic equipment is often also high demand equipment that needs to stay in operation. Saving installation time can be critical. EdgeConnect technology allows termination time to be reduced by 65-80%, so equipment downtime is greatly reduced.

With Hubbell’s EdgeConnect screwless technology, no screwdriver is needed to secure the termination. You simply insert the wire and press the plunger. Color-coded plungers guard against potential confusion and further speed up installation. Strong engineered springs keep wires tight and the unique, patented design continues applying pressure as wire strands relax over time for a consistent, reliable connection. However, if rewiring is required, it can be undone easily. And the design minimizes the effects of heat, vibration, and handling.

The orange Twist-Lock isolated ground receptacles are available in 3 and 4 wire versions.

Learn more about continued rollout of the EdgeConnect series of devices from Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems. Contact your Hubbell sales representative, or visit

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