If you have ever driven along a river, the ocean, or a large lake and come across a massive, imposing, messy stick nest on a distribution or transmission power line, chances are you are looking at a nest of an osprey. These large raptors (birds of prey) with a global distribution are well-adapted to specialize on small to large sized fish. They nest along fish-bearing waterbodies - historically in the tops of broken tree snags, but as power poles became common across the landscape, they became valuable real estate for nesting osprey, particularly those near water.
Osprey may reuse their nests year after year, adding to them during each spring renovation, leading some to become hundreds of pounds. As power lines were not designed to support such a heavy burden, they can become structurally compromised as a result. Further, if sticks used in nest-building cross phases these nests can become a severe electrocution hazard to the birds, pose a serious risk to the integrity of the power system (see photo), and can even lead to grass fires and substantial property damage. Osprey are extremely loyal to their natal area (where they hatched and were raised) and will return to the same general area when it is time to raise chicks of their own; additionally, some speculate that those raised on, and fledged from a power line nest may also seek out power lines for their future nests. Raptors and their nests are legally protected in most jurisdictions around the world.
In addition to platforms, nest deterrents should be added to the original target power pole to prevent future nesting attempts. It is important that platforms and deterrents are used in conjunction; if only one of these tools is used, the management effort will likely fail. Given the inherent persistence of these birds, a solution that finds a way to accommodate them, while maintaining the integrity of the power system, will ultimately be a successful one.