AccelTex Blog

AccelTex Blog


There’s a First Time for Everything…Reflections on my first WLPC

I’m as excited as a kid going to summer camp

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AccelTex 2016 All Star Team

Let’s play ball. Is your team ready for Wi-Fi World Domination this year? Ours is. Meet the 2016...

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Planes, Gains and Beamwidths

Reading Radiation patterns can sometimes be a little tricky. But, have no fear, AccelTex is here to...

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Understanding Dual Polarized Antennas

High density is becoming the norm. Everyone has multiple devices traveling with them at all times...

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CWNP 2015 San Francisco Recap

It was our first appearance at the CWNP Wi-Fi Trek, and it was a great one! We got to catch up with...

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What People Are Saying about AccelTex

What People Are Saying about AccelTex

We like our products, but what are other people saying about them? Take a look below:

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Cisco Live 2015 Recap

So who had some fun in San Diego? I know we did. Cisco Live is getting bigger and better every...

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Cisco Live 2015 Here We Come!

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15 Steps to Success in VHD (Very High Density)

The masses are driving the constant need for Wi-Fi. And not only Wi-Fi, but really good, really...

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